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Urbanworld Film Festival Announces 2011 Winners

UW_Awards_CoHosts-DatwonThomas-Liris-Crosse_with_StacySpikesUW_FounderUrbanworld Awards Co-hosts Datwon Thomas & Liris Crosse w/ Urbanworld Founder Stacy Spikes

Last Friday we posted on all of the star power that came out to support the kickoff of the 15th Annual Urbanworld Film Festival, and now we have the winners. The five-day urban film festival wrapped up in NYC last night with an awards reception at Tribeca Grill Loft, where the winners of the narrative feature, documentary feature, narrative short, documentary short, screenplay, teleplay and audience award categories were announced. Pics and details inside!

Executive Director, Gabrielle Glore

Best Narrative Feature

Written and Directed by Nicholas Ozeki; Produced by Adam Renehan, Andrew Daniel Wells
Honorable Mention:
Make a Movie Like Spike (Written and Directed by Jamil Walker Smith)
Restless City (for Cinematography – Bradford Young; Directed by Andrew Dosunmu)

Best Narrative Short

Written and Directed by Bree Newsome; Produced by Valerie Champagne, Bree Newsome
Honorable Mention:
Counterfeit (Written and Directed by Geoff Bailey)
The Man in the Glass Case (Written and Directed by Maxwell Addae)

Best Documentary Feature

Written and Directed by Tom Skousen; Produced by Robert Fernandez, Tom Skousen

Best Documentary Short

Directed by Nadia Hallgren; Produced by Jamie-James Medina
Honorable Mention:
Common Ground (for cinematography – Eduard Jakaj, Stephen Dwight; Directed by Hollie Fifer)

Best Screenplay

Written by Cole Wiley
Honorable Mention:
Blackbird (Written by David Polk)
The Divide (Written by Rashmi Singh)

Best Teleplay

Written by Dawn M. Green and Aliza Pearl Kennerly

Audience Award

Written and Directed by Noel Calloway; Produced by Allen J. West, Benny Pough, Dedra N. Tate
Honorable Mention:
Brooklyn Boheme (Directed by Diane Paragas and Nelson George

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