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America’s Outrage of the Killing of Troy Davis (Millions Protest!!) Video Inside

Amnesty_Intl._BannerAmnesty International Banner @ Troy Davis Support Rally

Author: Sylvia Burley

UPDATE: The U.S. Supreme Court cleared the way for Troy Davis to be executed. He died at 11:08 p.m. in a prison outside Savannah. Our sympathy goes out to the family whose only comfort is that Davis is now truly at peace. Farewell Brother Troy. We’ll see you on the other side.

UPDATE: Troy Davis denied clemency by parole board!! “He’s guilty,” Joan MacPhail-Harris, widow of the slain police officer killed in 1989, told reporters before the parole board announced its decision. “We need to go ahead and execute him.” Read more.

A Friday rally in support of Davis included many luminaries including Rev. Al Sharpton. Addressing members of the board, Sharpton said, “The only thing left to decide is whether you have the courage to do the right thing.”

It appears the board, which consists of a former GBI Agent, a former Clayton County district attorney, a former Commissioner of the Dept. of Corrections, former Commission of the Dept. of Juvenile Justice, and a former state Representative, did not have that courage.

Hundreds gathered in Atlanta at a march and rally led by national leaders of the NAACP and Amnesty International for convicted killer Troy Davis. The march began at Woodruff Park and ended at Ebenezer Baptist Church where many, but not all, of the protesters were able to enter the church for a rally and prayer vigil led by Larry Cox, Executive Director of Amnesty Intl., Ben Jealous, President & CEO of the NAACP, Raphael Warnock, Pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, Martina Correia, sister of Troy Davis, and death row exonorees.  Those not able to enter the church participated in an impromptu rally on the church grounds. Pics inside.

Amnesty Intl. declared Sept. 16th a Global Day of Solidarity for Troy Davis with 300 events across the world including New York, Washington D.C., San Diego, Paris and Oslo. Davis is accused of killing Savannah police officer Mark Allen MacPhail in 1989, although many believe he was convicted on inconsistent eye witness testimony, much of which has since been recanted.

This week, Davis supporters presented 663,000 petitions to the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles asking for his life to be spared. Former President Jimmy Carter, Pope Benedict XVI and Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu are among those calling for his execution to be stayed. Davis’ execution date has been scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 21st, although the State Board of Pardons and Paroles, which has the sole authority in Georgia to commute death sentences, will meet Monday to hear his latest request for leniency.

See pictures below.

Crowd after March from Woodruff Park

Troy Davis Support Poster


Troy Davis Supporters


Ebenezer Baptist Church Marquee


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