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Who Runs the World?? Beyonce Talks Starting Label & Boy Band


With Beyonce being one of the greatest entertainers of our time, it only makes sense that she would eventually fall into the executive role by sparking other artist’s careers. Beyonce talked with the Associated Press last night at the Dream Hotel in New York for the debut of her PULSE fragrance. Bey talks about everything from starting her own label to even forming a boy band. Interview inside.

AP: Your recent fashion show in London (with mother Tina Knowles for House of Dereon) was about empowerment. This scent is about empowerment. Why is that important to you?

Beyonce: I just enjoy being a woman and especially right now, I just feel so empowered. I think that is sort of my place in the world, for people to see that you can be an entrepreneur. You can have goals and dreams and you can grow and be strong and have your strong opinions, and all of these things bring that out in you.

AP: Does pregnancy make you feel more empowered?

Beyonce: Absolutely. It is the most powerful creation for you to be able to have life growing inside of you. There is no bigger gift, nothing more empowering.

AP: You have the fragrance, the clothing line, a husband, career and a baby on the way. What is next on your bucket list?

Beyonce: Balance. I am still working on balance and still growing. I am starting my company, my label. I want to create a boy band. I want to continue to produce and do documentaries and music videos. I eventually want to start directing for other artists. Once I know that I have my stuff together and I trust that, I can do it for other artists. I see so many male artists building these empires and passing their knowledge on to other artists and development. I see myself doing the same thing and hopefully other younger artists when they grow up and they have been around for 15, 20 years, they can do the same thing.

AP: What advice have you gotten from your mother and sister on motherhood?

Beyonce: I have the best examples around me because my sister is the most incredible mother. My mother, I am so proud of her. I see her and I could cry every time I think about her because she is such an incredible woman, so I just pray that I have the same bond with my children, child.

AP: Will the baby go everywhere with you?

Beyonce: Yes, I will probably be that way. I am sure I will. I think that it shouldn’t stop you. I think of course my life is going to change, and I definitely will make sacrifices, but you know, I think I will be able to bring hopefully my little rider with me.

AP: You are pregnant but work nonstop. How do you keep your energy up?

Beyonce: I think it is just passion. When you are excited about something, you don’t have to think about your energy. It is natural and comes from adrenaline. It is important that I don’t look at this as like an illness. I am not sick. I am the same woman and I have the same passions.

AP: What is your pregnancy style?

Beyonce: I think I have been trying to find things that of course are flattering to the silhouette. I think a woman’s curves when she is pregnant are so beautiful. I don’t want to get matronly, and I still find things that are sensual and feminine and funky. I have been mixing different textures and suit jackets and blazers. I don’t want to be in the same dress every day.


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