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Diddy Makes Amends with His Fans about Club Incident

diddy_hiphopenquirerSean “Diddy” Combs

Okay Diddy, it must have been the Ciroc because we know you are a bigger person than what we saw displayed at Compound Night Club in Atlanta and you probably just got caught up in the moment.  We are sure many of you have been guilty of similar acts after a night of wild drinking but for Diddy, it was caught on camera and most likely blown out of proportion so in fairness we at HHE would like to publish what the mogul had to say:

I’m a child of God and I should be better no matter what someone says to me. I’m sorry for the ignorant way I represented myself and us.

To all my children of God…I have backslid and regressed. Forgive me for my ignorance. Pray for me pls. I know better and I am better.

I have a responsibility that I promise I will live up to. And I’m more disappointed in myself than you know. I will humble myself and learn.

Bottom line is I’m sorry to all! Pls find it in your heart to accept my apology. I will do better and be Greater And a source of positivity! Thank yall for listening. Thank you. Real talk. Peace.

Message from the Editor to Mr. Sean Combs: While we all make mistakes and learn from them, you are one of the biggest figures in America who represent people of color and a role model to many young men and women across the world so yes it is very important what message you put out because people will emulate what you do. Just remember you are bigger than life for a lot of people so let your conscience be your guide. Apology Accepted!!

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