Samsung Aims To Ban Iphone 4S



    As people around the way the world anticipate the October 14th, and October 22nd, Iphone 4S release, Samsung is aiming to ban sales of the new phone in France and Italy. Due to a war over copyright infringements with Apple, Samsung has filed preliminary injunctions in two countries so far and plan in other locations. More Details Inside!

    Apple has continued to flagrantly violate our intellectual property rights and free-ride on our technology, and we will steadfastly protect our intellectual property,” stated Samsung. Apparently, the new Iphone 4S is just a mere upgrade however, a war with Apple may bring about a halt to sales. So Apple wants to release a version of the 4 instead of releasing the 5 sounds like a strategy to get deeper in the consumers pockets. Will you be making a switch to the Apple Iphone 4s or stay with your Android? Tweet us a comment on our twitter page by clicking here


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