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Guess Who’s About to Takeover Waka Flocka’s Career?? Suge Knight!!

In today’s “say whattt??!” news, XXL Magazine has reported that Suge Knight is going to start overseeing Waka Flocka’s Brick Squad Monopoly West Record Company and will be helping him broker some other career moves. Flocka stated that Suge is already making moves to get the dread-headed rapper in a couple of movies. Waka on the big screen?? That should be interesting, to say the least.

It ain’t no rumors. It’s what it is,” Waka told XXL. “You gotta really start pulling in people in the game who know the game. Suge is not the only one. I’ma start snatching in the real ones. Suge helped me get a good movie deal. Now I need to get on the TV screen. Ain’t nothing wrong with fuckin’ with some Gs. I fuck with Master P too. They’re just good for information, homie.”

We don’t see a problem with you working with the OG’s either, Waka. But Suge, though? We’ll see how this partnership turns out.

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