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Sexual Assault Charges Against Big Sean Dropped…

Looks like G.O.O.D. rapper and Detroit native, Big Sean, will be popping bottles of Chardonnay today as he’s off the hook for the sexual assault charges he faced, reports TMZ. Back in August, Big Sean was arrested after a show in Buffalo, NY for allegedly sexually assaulting a 17 year old girl. At the time, Big Sean whose real name is Sean Michael Anderson was charged with 3rd degree sexual abuse, forcible touching and 2nd degree unlawful imprisonment.

As of today, prosecutors have agreed to drop two of the three charges as long as Big Sean pleads guilty to the one charge of unlawful imprisonment which comes with a $750 fine. Although Big Sean has accepted the agreement and paid the fine, his attorney Scott Leemon told TMZ that the rapper still “did not engage in any type of sexual misconduct”.

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