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Couture or Costume? When High Fashion Meets Halloween!

Fur framed glasses with panther detail from Givenchy


October 31st marks the annual day when children scurry through dark and chilly streets in search of tooth-aching treats to stuff themselves with during the night. It also marks the one night a year when most adults lose all sense of inhibitions and parade themselves in outlandish, often ridiculous costumes that they’ll later be passed out in on someone’s living room floor face down, whispering sweet incoherent nothings to the puddle of vomit they’ve just puked up (I’ve been there; don’t judge).

However, when you’re a celebrity, everyday is an excuse to get dressed up and party. Especially when at any given moment, designers are tossing some of their hottest most exclusive pieces at you to be photographed in. Sometimes celebs can take their everyday wardrobe a bit too far. Where exactly is the line drawn between haute couture and costume?  Take a look at the pics below of some of the most creepiest, oddball confections we’ve ever seen.

Usher as the Dark R&B Knight?

At the 2010 NBA All Star Weekend halftime show, Usher performed in what appears t be left-over wardrobe pieces from one of the Batman movies paired with leather capris. Usher who usually dresses the part of an R&B gentleman clearly missed the mark on this one. If anyone, be it man, woman or child, appeared on stage or on my doorstep looking like this I’d not only call the police but also the men in white jump suites with huge butterfly nets. SMH.

Nicki Minaj is harajuku from outerspace

At this year’s MTV Video Music Awards, the big three topics were Beyonce’s pregnancy announcement, Lil Wayne and his leopard print jeggings, and Nicki Minaj in this out-of-this-world outfit. I’m still not sure where this look ends or begins. Whoever thought it would be a good idea to dress the rapping Barbie in a Harajuku from outer space ensemble most def was playing a trick on her.

Nike's "Marty McFly" sneakers

As an homage to the 1980s classic “Back to the Future” Nike released these limited edition Marty McFly sneakers with light-up detail. I still have my reserves about them being that there aren’t many places where I can get away with higher than the sky high-top sneakers would be appropriate. However, the shoes which were made popular by rapper Kid Cudi were a hit amongst the sole collecting crowd.

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