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Just in case you missed this!!! BET to Webbie: Your Kind Aint Welcome Here No More!

Have a seat on the bench behind you sir. Because you are no longer allowed on the couch.

For those of you who were looking forward to southern rapper Webbie‘s next visit on 106th & Park you also can have a seat on the bench next to him. Its been reported that after being one of the guest judges for Freestyle Friday, Webster Gradney Jr. must’ve whispered something in the ear of show host Rocsi to her dismay.

Maybe he offered to show and prove what he declared to the world on the Hip Hop Awards red carpet. And just like the big bad wolf that Rocsi is, she huffed and puffed and blew a kiss goodbye to any further invitations for Webbie to be on the show.  Apparently, what ever he said to Rocsi didn’t sit well with co-host Terrence J either. Watch the brief clip below and let us know what you think. Will you miss not seeing Webbie on 106th & Park anymore?

…And don’t come back!

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