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Mixtape Review : Nipsey Hussle – The Marathon Continues

Beats-B+    Lyrics B-   Flow B-   Originality-B+   Overall Grade B+

The Marathon is never over for L.A.’s Nipsey Hussle. The Westside thug motivator released the second installment of his Marathon series last week via internet. This go around Nipsey is just as serious as before, picking up where he left off, by beginning The Marathon Continues with the beat from the hidden outro of The Marathon. The production on this mixtape is unique, unlike majority of the tracks in the game, they all fit Nipsey’s swag in every way. On “Who Detached Us?”  Nipsey goes in depth as usual questioning current social norms. “I think too much T.V. ruins kids/ and Homosexual actors influence it”.  Unlike other gang affiliated rapper’s Nipsey’s material consistently has substance and meaning. This claim is backed by a motivational speech at the end of the track by late Apple CEO Steve Jobs, perfect timing to say the least.

After the good stuff, Nipsey gives the gangster music most hip hop fans were waiting for. He and fellow gang buddy Cobby go in over Lil Wayne’s “Bill Gates” instrumental on “Fly Crippin”.  Although Nipsey does not blatantly promote gang banging in any of his lyrics, he makes it sound pretty fun on this track.  “I Need That” featuring  fellow up and coming Westside resident Dom Kennedy passes the trunk exam with a easy A with deep bass and great verses from both artist. “Rose Clique” “They Know” and “The Mansion” are all great tracks ending this lap of the Marathon. Nipsey is really up to something and is sure to gain a buzz before the release of his next album.

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