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Hot New Music! Dolla Boy- Controlled Substance

Playaz Circle has been somewhat of a oval lately wtih 1/2 of the group, 2 Chainz, becoming the hottest rapper in the streets, while the other 1/2, Dolla is becoming the hottest hustler in the streets. Dolla just dropped his newest mixtape Controlled Substance in early November. After a listen and a glimpse of his latest videos, its evident that just because you aren’t on TV, doesn’t mean you’re broke and that’s definitely the case for this College Park Hustler. Dolla’s lyrics revolve around hustling, women and money.  All of which are a part of his every day life, so it’s a breath of fresh air to hear some truth put into his rhymes. Controlled Substance has production and features from some of the hottest in Atlanta. In terms of his trailer videos, they’re epic. Take a look.

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