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Producer Profile: Terry Townsend of Positive FLO Productions

If you think you can find one word that encompasses all of what producer Terry Townsend does, then think again. The producer/motivational speaker/songwriter hails from the South Bronx, New York and has been on the music scene for over 25 years. His company, Positive FLO Productions has worked with the likes of Jennifer Lopez, Erykah Badu, Lauryn Hill and Bilal just to name a few.

His latest album “Get What You Want Outta Life” features single, “Go Your Way” which is a powerful musical interpretation of Townsend’s way of life where he believes in changing the world. But wait, did we also tell you that Townsend’s a philanthropist? His youth program, “Street Life” is just another way for the production guru to use his music to empower others.

Check out Terry Townsend’s latest single, “Go Your Way” below and for more on Positive FLO Productions, head over to

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