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Wowzers!! Tameka Foster Accuses Ex Hubby Usher of Using Drugs During Heated Custody Battle

Wow. In a random turn of events, it seems that the custody battle between Usher and Tameka Foster is getting uglier by the day. In January of this year, Usher made court motions to try and get sole custody of their two sons, Usher Raymond V and Naviyd Ely Raymond after Tameka wouldn’t consent to the boys going on a world tour with their father. Obviously, Ms. Tameka Foster hasn’t been too thrilled with Usher’s moves, and is now laying it all out on the table. Tameka is now requesting that Usher submit to drug testing, claiming that he was high during a January 2011 concert in Germany.Usher’s people have written his behavior during that concert off as Usher being sick. Tameka responded by saying “I dated him . . . when he’s had a very serious throat condition and he still performs like a champ. I really feel strongly that something was going on there, and it wasn’t, ‘Oh I have laryngitis.’ ”

The mother of Usher’s two children is also claiming that back in September of 2008, she found mysterious “pills” in his jean pockets and believes that he gets high. “I believe he gets high. And if he doesn’t then he’d take the drug test, correct?” Last week Usher filed a claim against Tameka, stating that her statements were “frivolous and unfounded” and were meant to “harass and embarrass” the singer. Well if that was her objective she surely achieved it. Mr. Raymond, just take the darn test and let the judge decide the rest!

Germany Concert Where Tameka Claims Usher was Under the Influence


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