Dope or Nope??? Bespoke Nike Air Force 1 by MT

    Tony the Tiger died for these
    Tony the Tiger died for these

    Where’s Peta with a red bucket of paint when you need them? Just unleashed for your viewing displeasure, are these Bespoke Nike Air Force 1s by an anonymous sneaker-head who goes by the moniker MT. The kicks appear to have been made either from Fred Flinstone’s loin cloth toga or made with the skin off of a slaughtered Tony the Tiger with a purple swoosh and leather heel. These are not so “grrreeeaaat.”  Although it’s a general assumption that they won’t be mass produced, one can’t help but wonder where exactly would anyone wear these to?  They’re way too over designed and desperately screaming for attention. Send these back to the wild from which they came!  Check out a few more views below and let us know what you think.

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