Pay Now or Cry Later: Soulja Boy Suing Ex-Manager over Faulty Contract



    How many times have you heard the saying..”Hire A Good Lawyer?” Well apparently not enough for 21-year rapper Soulja Boy as the saga continues in his life drama.

    This time he is suing his former manager for what some are saying he got the raw end of the stick as it related to his business dealings with Philip Ramson. Deandre Way is hoping that a Georgia Superior court judge invalidates the management contract that he signed while still a minor, which according to the lawsuit gives Ramson 50 percent of the rapper’s earnings as long as he is in entertainment. Judges have usually been sympathetic to lawsuits involving child stars but those cases are more favorable if an attorney was not a part of the initial deal. Did Soulja consult with his attorney before signing the agreement? Ramson is denying these allegations and has already filed a lawsuit of his own claiming that he too is owed money by the rap star.

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    This is just the latest of several problems coming from Soulja Boy as we reported last week that he was served with eviction papers from his Georgia home and also is facing criminal charges of drug and weapons possessions. One thing is for sure, he can’t blame this on Katt Stacks!

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