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Big Sean & Wale Shoot “Slight Work” Video Directed by Chris Breezy

Big Sean and Wale hit L.A. to shoot the visuals for “Slight Work”, one of the single’s off of Wale’s “Ambition” album. The star power, doesn’t stop there though, as the video is being co-directed by none other than Chris Brown and Godrey Tabarez. Chris Brown took to Twitter on Tuesday to break the news, tweeting “I’m directing @Wale and @BigSean slight work video this week! Gonna be a Movie! F— wit me!!”.

MTV’s RapFix reported that blonde Breezy isn’t your stereotypical hands-off artist turned director, but instead he jumped in head first calling shots on everything from dancer choreography to lighting. Of course we’ll keep you updated on the end result. We can’t wait to see what the trio comes up with.

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