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Timbaland Reveals Secret!! Says He Was “In Love” With Aaliyah..

In Timbaland’s upcoming E! True Hollywood Story, the megaproducer admits that he was in love with Aaliyah during her career which Timbaland played a large role in molding. When I first met Aaliyah—it’s time for the world to hear this, I’m gonna give a little secret—I was in love with her. I said, But I’m not…She just a baby, I’m old,” Timbaland says. “I said to myself, ‘I’m just gonna be her brother.’ Oh man, I was fightin’, I was fightin’ a lot—a big war. But I loved Aaliyah.” said Timbaland.

Timbaland also touches on subjects such as his massive weight loss, claiming that before he started a living a healthier lifestyle, that he weighed almost 400 lbs, and was depressed to the point of having suicidal thoughts. The E! True Hollywood Story on Timbaland airs Tuesday at 9pm.

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