How Dreadful…. Former RHOA Cast Member, Dwight Eubanks Was Arrested!

    Dwight's glamour shot courtesy of the Atlanta police
    Dwight's glamour shot courtesy of the Atlanta police

    Former member of the Real Housewives of Atlanta member and all natural beauty Dwight Eubanks was arrested last Wednesday in Atlanta, GA for driving with a suspended license. Fashion emergency indeed! The AJC reports that the gentleman had his brush in with the law while driving down Freedom Parkway when officers noticed a broken driver side headlight on his Chevy Tahoe. When police pulled the vehicle over to ask for identification Dwight parted his puckered lips to tell the officer that he left it at home. What he really should have done was removed one of his white gloves off his hand and slapped it across the officer’s face for not recognizing the exquisite beauty that he is! When a check was done, the arresting officers found that Nene’s shopping buddy was driving with a suspended license. He was arrested and charged.

    I can already imagine what the intake process might have looked like. Instead of posing for a mug shot like the rest of those commoners, Dwight immediately demanded that an expert team of hair and makeup professionals arrive before the picture was taken. He probably also requested the services of celeb photographer Derek Blanks to photoshop and airbrush any imperfections (as if he has any) found. Instead of handcuffs, Dwight would demand that he be taken away wearing diamond studded cuffs to wrap around his delicate wrists. On second thought, Dwight probably keeps a pair of kinky pink fur cuffs! And then just for stunts and shows, he asked the cop to carry him in his arms and whisk him away like in the iconic scene from ‘An Officer and a Gentleman’ which now that I typed it out is totally a more appropriate title for this post!

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