Tweets Are Watching… Does Mama Breezy Still Have Love For RihRih???


    The entire Twittosphere released a collective “huh?” when Chris Brown’s mother sent out an anonymous and unmentioned tweet to an unidentified “lady” confessing that she still “misses and loves” her. Shortly after, the former daughter-in-law of MomBreezy replied with a “Miss + Love u 2.”

    Now, its no secret that Chris Brown has had an array of lovely ladies at his disposal, but do you think that @MomBreezy was directing the tweet specifically for Rihrih, or was the ‘We Found Love’ singer jumping the gun on a bullet that wasn’t aimed at her. Could this mean that mother Breezy is secretly trying to rekindle the lost love flame between her son and his ex? A hit dog will holler everytime if you ask me. But view the tweets below and judge for yourself.


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