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Drake Responds To Tattoo Artist Who Did Face Tattoo on Fan

Apparently a devoted fan took Drake’s lyrics, “Tat my name on you girl so I know it’s real” a little too literally. Although this is not the first time we have heard of or seen absurd tattoos, a female fan went too far and decided to get Drake’s name tattooed on her forehead. In a sit down with Mando Fresko, the rapper expressed his thoughts on the situation. “I want to meet her and understand what happened,” says Drake. The rapper also went on to state his dissatisfaction with the tattoo artist for his work.  Drake stated, “The guy who tatted it is a f*cking a**hole though. I will tell you that. I dont f*ck with that guy. F*ck you to that tat artist by the way, because your an a**hole for real. And you should lose your job. And you should never do tattoos again. And I don’t f*ck with you. And if I ever see you I’m going to f*ck you up.”

The tattoo artist says that originally, he thought the tattoo was a gang symbol and checked multiple times to ensure this is what the fan wanted. “In the end, she paid me to do this to her, which really means she did this to herself,” states the artist. Regardless of the circumstances, Drake has communicated a clear disagreement with this action. Check out the video of Drake’s thoughts below.


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