Erica Mena of Love & Hip Hop Speaks on Fight With Kimbella


    For those who missed it, on this week’s episode of Love & Hip Hop, new comer Erica Mena sparked headlines everywhere after a cat fight with Kimbella Vanderhee.  In order to clear up speculations regarding the fight, Mena visited Power 105.1’s Cherry Martinez. During the interview, Mena addressed the confusion about police involvement and the actual issue involving her and Vanderhee.

    According to Mena, editing is to blame for the misunderstanding of the entire situation. “What I will say is that that scene was definitely condensed to one sound bite. A lot of the dialogue between me and Kimbella was left on the cutting room floor,” says Mena. Despite the uncertainty, it is clear that Mena’s debut was as good as it gets.  Listen to the full interview below.

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