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Diddy Addresses Longtime Reputation of Killing Bad Boy Artist Careers

Although Diddy is recognized as one of the world’s greatest businessmen and marketing gurus of our time, he also has a reputation for ruining the careers of many Bad Boy artists such as Total, Craig Mack, Shyne, etc. In an interview with DJ Whoo Kid, Diddy addresses that reputation saying it’s just “regular hate, and a lot of people not understanding how this industry works”.

Diddy also pointed out that just as Bad Boy had some artists that fell to the wayside, so did other labels such as Def Jam stating, “It started a couple of years ago with what happened with this artist, why isn’t this artist still on the label, why isn’t that artist on the label, so people started to give us a bad rap. Honestly, nobody that was on Def Jam still on Def Jam nobody on Rocafella still on Rocafella. We’re the last people standing”. Check out the full interview below.

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