Killers Finally Convicted of 1993 Murder of London Teen, Stephen Lawrence

    Stephen Lawrence

    According to BBC News, after almost 18 years since London teenager, Stephen Lawrence was brutally stabbed to death at a London bus stop, two of the men responsible have finally been convicted. Reports have cited that the August 1993 stabbing of 18 year old Lawrence was racially motivated. Gary Dobson and David Norris were found guilty of playing a part in the teen’s death due to forensic evidence. The two men were amongst five of the people suspected in Lawrence’s death, as Lawrence’s family stated “They took away Stephen’s life and there is nothing in their behaviour or anything to show they regret what their actions have done and the pain it has caused us as a family.”

    A strand of Lawrence’s hair was found on Norris’ jeans while a tiny blood stain from Lawrence was found on Dobson’s jacket. The two will be sentenced on Monday. Assistant Commissioner, Cressida Dick stated “Most importantly, we wanted to be able to bring people to justice for the killing and try to give Doreen and Neville Lawrence and their family some sense of justice”.

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