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Special!! Family of Slain Stacey Nicole English Will Hold Prayer Walk in Honor of Her Life

Stacey Nicole English

Family and friends of Stacey English will hold a community prayer walk to honor her this weekend to honor the young woman’s life. The walk will begin at the John C. Birdine Center in Atlanta. English’s abandoned vehicle was found near the John C. Birdine Center, engine still running, two days after Christmas.

The walk will conclude less than a mile away on St. John’s Avenue, where the missing woman’s body was found on January 24, 2012.

Ms. English’s family and friends ask attendees to wear red and bring red flowers to the prayer walk as a tribute. Red was Ms. English’s favorite color.

The walk will take place Saturday, January 28, 2012 at 3:30 p.m.  beginning at the John C. Birdine Center, 215 Lakewood Way, S.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30315 and ending at the end of the 400 block of St. John’s Avenue.

The family and friends of Stacey Nicole English say they are committed to celebrating Stacey’s life of love, honor, faith and service to others. The community is invited to take part in the prayer walk as a tribute to English, and a showing of support as Stacey’s family and friends work to determine the events that led to her death.

Funeral services are pending.

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