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Rick Ross & Freeway Rick Ross Continue Heated Court Battle Over Name

According to, Former drug kingpin Freeway Rick Ross is suing rapper Rick Ross over the rights to the name “Rick Ross”. Freeway Rick began his court battle against the rapper in May of 2010 when he originally sued for the rights to the name. At that court hearing, the judge claimed that because Freeway Ricky used the name in conjunction with so many criminal acts that “any possibility that he has any valid trademark rights in his name, that have been violated by defendants.”

Freeway Ricky is now appealing the 2010 decision and the two met in a Miami courtroom last week. “[He] treated me as if I had done something to him,” said Freeway Rick Ross. “When he first came to me, he didn’t know what position I was going to take, if I was going to send a word out to those young cats out in L.A. or not. That put a little fear in his heart.” No judgement has been given yet as the case is still ongoing.

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