Farrakhan Says that Racism Could Lead to Obama Assassination


    Dr. Boyce Watkins

    During a speech given in Chicago to the Nation of Islam this week, the Minister Louis Farrakhan gave a stern warning that racism could lead to the assassination of the nation’s first black president.

    “Do you think they’re wicked enough to be plotting our brother’s assassination as we speak?” he asked the crowd.

    The speech was given at the United Center in observance of Saviour’s Day, an annual celebration of the Nation of Islam’s founder, W. Fard Muhammad.  This is the 82nd year of the celebration.

    The 78 year old leader spoke firm and direct, addressing the events that have taken place this year.   He spoke on US foreign policy, hinting that 9/11 may have been constructed by the federal government.   He also mentioned the influence of Jews on politics and media.  Most directly, Farrakhan critiqued the US policy on Israel.

    “Jewish people were not the origin of Hollywood, but they took it over,” he said.

    While Farrakhan defended President Obama, he also challenged him. He criticized the president’s decision to undermine leaders in the Middle East and warned against military action in Iran.  He called on all Americans to become “conscientious objectors” to war on the Iranian people.   He also reiterated his concern about the killing of Moammar Gadhafi, his friend, who gave the Nation of Islam a $3 million loan to purchase its headquarters 40 years ago.

    Farrakhan also warned of the economic troubles of the United States and claimed that good days do not appear to lie ahead for the nation.

    “America is on her deathbed. The vital signs of America are not good,” he said.

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