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Bobbi Kristina Named As Sole Heir In Whitney Houston’s Will

As of no shocking surprise, Whitney Houston left everything to her 19-year-old daughter Bobbi Kristina.

Accoring to The Associated Press, Whitney’s will doesn’t mention her daughter specifically but reads that it leaves all of her furnishings, clothing, personal effects, jewelry and cars to her surviving children and  Bobbi Kristina was her only child.

Whitney was also smart enough to not let the Bobbi Kristina receive all of her money at one time as vulchers are sure to be lurking.

The money will be put in a trust and  Bobbi Kristina will get part of it upon turning 21, more of the money at age 25 and the balance at age 30.

Houston’s trustees can give her money from the trust for various purposes, including tuition, to buy a home and to start a business.



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