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Exclusive!! Black Militia Leader Meets with Jesse Jackson in Sanford, Florida, Talks Citizen’s Arrest

Najee Muhammad, who heads the New Black Liberation Militia in Atlanta, told Hip Hop Enquirer that his group is determined to make a citizen’s arrest. Muhammad attended a prayer vigil at 2031 Oregon Avenue, the location where Trayvon Martin was killed last night with members of his group in support of the arrest and prosecution of admitted shooter George Zimmerman. “There will be no peace until George Zimmerman is brought to justice.” Stated Najee Muhammad.

“Everybody is making great speeches but somebody has to do something different. Nobody is thinking like this. We can’t keep looking to the enemy to give us justice,” said Mr. Muhammad.

Meanwhile, Civil Rights leader  Rev. Jesse Jackson said the death of Trayvon Martin could be a tragic moment or the beginning of a movement.

“How do we go from a moment to a movement that creates fundamental change?” Jackson told the capacity crowd at the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church in Eatonville, Fla. “If it’s a moment, we go home. If it’s a movement, we go to war.”

Supporters show their solidarity in the call for justice in the Trayvon Martin shooting. Photo: Justice for Trayvon Martin/Facebook

He says the militia group has had “well-trained members” on the ground in Sanford the past few weeks and even obtained the address for the parents of Mr. Zimmerman in Lake Mary, Fla.

“We were able to obtain information that his father, Robert Zimmerman, got him out of the country because they are spooked out and scared by what his son did,” said Mr. Muhammad. “People want to debate about whether there is probable cause to make a citizen’s arrest. George Zimmerman killed a 17-year-old boy in cold-blooded pre-meditated murder. What more probable cause do you need?”

Since making their efforts public, he says the New Black Liberation Militia has received numerous calls from the Justice Dept., FBI, the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center in attempts at “finding out details of our plans because they know how we move. We’re not playing games.”

On Saturday at the location where Trayvon Martin was killed, A Leader of the Florida Chapter of the New Black Panther Party made his voice known when he offered a $10,000 bounty for the “capture” of the Florida neighborhood-watch captain who shot the unarmed 17-year-old. When asked how was the bounty to be paid, he stated that people from the entertainment community had gave them the money. When pressed for which entertainer (s) offered the monies, he simply stated that their identities were irrelevant.

Leader Mikhail Muhammad described the situation as “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” after announcing the reward for Zimmerman during a protest in Sanford, Fla.

“If the government won’t do the job, we’ll do it,” Muhammad said, calling on 5,000 black men to mobilize, leading protesters to chant “freedom or death” and “justice for Trayvon.”

A national community rally is scheduled for March 26 in front of Sanford City Hall. Prominent civil rights leaders, clergymen, grassroots organizations and supporting Floridians are expected to be in attendance.

“We’re going to keep putting the pressure on. We’re asking the Department of Justice to get involved in the investigation. This makes no sense. Race is the elephant in the room. Had Trayvon been the triggerman, he would have been arrested day one and he would be sitting in jail,” said Mr. Crump.

Marc Morial, president and CEO of the National Urban League, said, “We also know that the murder of innocent Black men in the American South is nothing new. Fifty-seven years ago, the White murderers of 14-year-old Emmitt Till in the Mississippi Delta were acquitted of the crime in a clear case of racial injustice.”

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