Breaking News: Trayvon Martin Protest Rally Held In Atlanta Today!

    Tayvon Martin and George Zimmerman

    trayvon martin protest atlanta

    Author: Sylvia Burley

    The untimely and unnecessary death of Trayvon Martin has single handedly sent out a call to action around the country….and Atlanta is no exception.

    Students from Clark Atlanta University, Spelman and Morehouse colleges and other local schools, will rally on the steps of the Georgia State Capitol at 5:30 p.m. Monday to protest the shooting death of the Florida teen and the fact that George Zimmerman has not yet been  arrested and charged for his actions resulting in Martin’s death.  Students will also protest Georgia’s version of the “Stand Your Ground” law.

    Another type of protest… the “hoodie” movement… has been nothing short of phenomenal, with pastors and their congregations all over the country wearing hoodies to church yesterday to counter Geraldo Rivera’s contention that what Martin was wearing contributed to his death.  Many compare Rivera’s remarks with those who say women who wear suggestive clothing are asking to be raped.  The Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock, Senior Pastor of the Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, and a man always down for a cause, did not disappoint:

    Martin’s murder has caused parents of young black men to remember the need for the “Black Male Code” talk which essentially says:

    “Always pay close attention to your surroundings, son, especially if you are in an affluent neighborhood where black folks are few. Understand that even though you are not a criminal, some people might assume you are, especially if you are wearing certain clothes.

    Never argue with police, but protect your dignity and take pride in humility. When confronted by someone with a badge or a gun, do not flee, fight, or put your hands anywhere other than up.

    Please don’t assume, son, that all white people view you as a threat. America is better than that. Suspicion and bitterness can imprison you. But as a black male, you must go above and beyond to show strangers what type of person you really are.”

    Years after Emmett Till’s death, we are still seeing illegal and unwarranted vigilante justice against young black men.  Indeed, some are suggesting that the media’s coverage has been biased against Zimmerman by showing younger pictures of Martin, who is described as having been 6’2”,  and labeling Zimmerman as white even though he is half white and half Hispanic.  The poster below has been making the rounds on facebook though some allege that the young man pictured in the hat is not even Trayvon Martin (hard to tell but it really doesn’t look like him).

    Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman

    Hopefully, the recent protests will not only result in Zimmerman’s arrest and ultimate conviction, but also cause people to reflect on how much damage biased and unfounded negative perceptions (which people of ALL race, color, and creed have against those unlike themselves) do to a society and start a national conversation (amongst ourselves…NOT waiting for President Obama who has other important stuff to focus on) about race relations.  We also need to talk about the impact black on black crime has in our communities, which contribute to young black men being profiled.

    I am ready for some real talk.  Are you?

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us @HipHopEnquirer

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