Tupac’s Back Again with Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg


Late Sunday night at the Coachella music festival Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg did something rather unthinkable. They brought Tupac back to life. About halfway through their set, Dre and Snoop had a hologram of the late rapper appear on stage to perform “Hail Mary” and “Amerikka’s Most Wanted.” The hologram has gotten mixed reviews across the web, but there is a general consensus that it is an amazing use of technology but is still scary. The hologram was completely interactive and even shouted, “What’s up Coachella!” before beginning the songs. Although this is not the first time a hologram has been used in a performance, this hologram was so surreal and if one didn’t know better, they could easily believe that Tupac was actually on the stage performing. It’s only a matter of time before we see other legends in hologram form.

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