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Battle of the Beauties: Star Jones vs. Evelyn Lozada

Star Jones

Battle of the Beauties!! Star Jones vs. Evelyn Lozada

Evelyn Lozada

Author: Sylvia Burley

I have grudgingly admitted to watching reality TV including the Basketballs Wives series which is truly like watching a train wreck and just as hard to ignore.  Let’s be honest, it is so hard to resist watching humans operate at their base level.  I am both fascinated and repulsed.

Along with many others, I have become increasingly disturbed at the level of violence some of these shows display, especially those portraying women of color.

Star Jones has taken up the mantle on this issue.  She is particularly concerned about the effect these reality shows may have on young women.

“When you see a woman of color treat another grown woman of color with disrespect and you think that that’s appropriate, that’s where we’ve lost girls,” she said on The Today Show.

Let’s be real though.  Nene Leakes of the Real Housewives of Atlanta and Evelyn Lozada and Tami Roman of Basketball Wives Miami, three of the most notorious bullies in reality TV, are also fan favorites.  Why?  Because we love people who love drama!  We also tend to admire people who say what we lack the courage to.  I leave you to search within your own heart to determine what draws you (I’m too busy psycho-analyzing myself), but to Ms. Jones’ larger point, this can’t be good for impressionable young women.

“Especially when you are a person of color, when your viewing choices…of seeing positive role models are limited and the ones you see the most are these people acting in a negative fashion, then you start to think that’s the way I can act…,” Jones further noted.

Star Jones

Ms. Jones is not only talking about this issue, she is doing something.  As reported by, she recently took to Twitter to start a campaign. Her campaign includes an online petition to boycott Evelyn Lozada’s new show with fiancé Ocho Cinco titled Ev and Ocho.  The graphic on the petition is very appropriate showing Lozada in full rage ready to kick a@# and take names.

I didn’t know about this new show and would not have watched it as I find Evelyn Lozada distasteful and Ev and Ocho together unbearable.  I mean, she’s obviously insecure and his suggestion for addressing her insecurity was to suggest a threesome because hey, I’m GOING to mess around so let’s mess around together. Really?!!  I digress (see how easy it is to get drawn in?).

If you too are concerned, sign the petition and then refuse to watch these shows.  For those of us having a hard time kicking the habit, look for an RTA (Reality TV Anonymous) group coming to a community center near you.  The meetings will be taped and shopped to TLC.

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