We doubt George Zimmerman was living this good when he was actively in the security guard business! His attorney has revealed that George Zimmerman is using a portion of the $205,000 raised to take care of his living expenses and keep about $15,000 cash for pocket money. The rest of the money his being kept in a safe place just in case he needs more. Today, George Zimmerman entered a not guilty plea via a written document through his attorney
A written plea of not guilty was entered today on behalf George Zimmerman, the central Florida neighborhood watch leader who’s charged with murder in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.
Zimmerman did not attend Tuesday’s formal arraignment in Seminole County, where the judge set a pre-trial hearing date of Aug. 8 according to CBS news.
Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O’Mara, filed the not guilty plea on behalf of his 28-year-old client and waived Zimmerman’s appearance. O’Mara also waived Zimmerman’s right to a speedy trial in filing for a continuance, citing the need for more time to prepare the defense case.
In another development, O’Mara said that of the $200,000 raised by Zimmerman’s now-defunct website, just under $50,000 is being used for his security and setting up his living arrangements in hiding. The other $150,000 has been turned over to an independent administrator to manage.
Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder in Martin’s Feb. 26 shooting death in Sanford.
Martin’s family and supporters claim the black teen was a victim of racial profiling.
Zimmerman has claimed Martin attacked him and that he fired in self-defense.
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