Could This Be The End of Rihanna & Chris Brown’s Secret Love Tryst?


    On Wednesday, Chris Brown posted a freestyle rap that he did over Kanye West’s song “Theraflu” that seems to be taking shots at ex-girlfriend, Rihanna. In the song, Brown raps “Don’t f**k with my old b*****s like a bad fur, every industry n***A done had her.” He also adds “Treat it like a pumpkin just to smash her. B*****s breaking codes but I’m the password.”

    The apparent “diss” has come as a surprise to many since just two months ago the two stars were defending their decision to make the songs “Turn Up the Music” and “Birthday Cake” together. Since Brown has posted the song, Rihanna has unfollowed him on Twitter. When many speculated that Brown was targeting his lyrics towards his former girlfriend, Brown denied that the song is about Rihanna tweeting “Assumptions! I didn’t say any names so if u took offense to it then its something you feel guilty about.” In a possible response to Brown’s tweet, Rihanna tweeted “Aw, poor dat #neaux1currrrr.”

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    After that dreadful night in Los Angele’s when Chris Brown assaulted Rihanna just before the Grammy Awards, their every movement has been under a microscope, which prompted critics from both sides to share their opinions on how the two should conduct themselves in public.

    One very good thing has come out of this for both parties and that is that they have been able to successfully continue with their singing and acting careers which for at least Chris Brown as proven to be a success at the box offices.

    Listen to the song and let us know what you think.

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