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New Music Alert: Sean Kingston feat. TI “Back To Life”


Sean Kingston is ready to make his return with some help from the King. The 22-year-old singer linked up with T.I. on set of the video for “Back 2 Life,” the street single off his upcoming album of the same name. The two shot the video in Los Angeles last week with comedian Mike Epps.

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After surviving a near-fatal jet ski accident and open heart surgery last year, Kingston has been in the studio working with longtime producer J.R. Rotem on the follow-up to 2009’s Tomorrow, due on Epic Records.

“I’m going back to the whole reggae, island, pop thing, doing that type of feel,” he previously told MTV News. “I’m going back to my roots.”  To download song, click link below:

Sean Kingston ft. T.I. – Back 2 Life (Live It Up) – MP3WAXX

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