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Fashion Alert!! Doing It Big Willie Style!

The man in black steps out in plaid & purple


The man in black is back! Rapper turned actor Will Smith reprises his role as Agent J, the smooth talking, alien a*s kicker in the 3rd installment of the Men in Black film franchise. While making his rounds at various premieres and doing promo work for the expected summer blockbuster, a funny thing happened. It seems as though the little big eared boy from Philly has emerged as a style star!

 The slaptastic leading man who captured our hearts as a Fresh Prince is now fashion force to reckon with!  Whether in pinstripes, plaid, or small pops of color, Duane Martin’s shopping buddy not surprisingly suits up nicely which solidified his status as this week’s BEST DRESSED MAN!  We wonder if this is how he shows up at the PTA meetings?

 Check below for a few more pics of Willow & Jaden’s dad doing it Big Willie style!

Black, white and dope all over!
Yeah, that guy is cool.
With MIB3 co-star Josh Brolin.
A high-five for high fashion!

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