Florida Woman Zaps Cheating Baby Daddy After He is Caught Creeping with Another Woman


    A woman in Florida is facing charges after tazering the father of her child after catching him in bed with another woman.  Eva Hartman, a 34-year old woman, caught Alvin Hennis and Cordelia Rose in bed, and allegedly yelled “you and I just had sex last night” before the incident.

    Hartman proceeded to stun both Hennis and Rose with the stun gun she had attached to her keychain.   She then chased Ms. Rose out of a window in the home.  She was arrested and charged with domestic battery.

    “It was pretty much my fault,” Hennis told Broward Court Judge John Hurley, standing up for the woman  who stunned him.  “We were supposed to do something together that morning, and I forgot. I went to my house, and things happened.”

    Hartman allegedly stunned the man first and then went after the woman second.  Hennis separated the two women and pushed Hartman out of the house.  Rose climbed out the window.

    Hartman refused to give up, chasing Rose and stunning her in the neck as she tried to get into the car.  Hennis asked the judge to go easy on Hartman, who is the mother of his child.

    Hartman’s bond has been set at $2,500 and she’s been ordered to stay away from Rose. We doubt that Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law will apply to this woman’s criminal defense.


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