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Supreme Court Rules Obamacare is Legal and The Law of the Land (5-4 decision)

President Obama and the American people have just received affirmation from the highest court in the land that his controversial healthcare plan is in fact legal and now the law of the land. In a 5-4 decision today, The Supreme Court just upheld the Affordable Care Act as constitutional, affirming Congress’ authority to require Americans to purchase health insurance coverage. Republican candidate Mitt Romney has also stated that if he is elected in November, he would fight to have the law repealed. There are approximately 450 provisions in the bill and we will post a copy of it momentarily for our readers to review. Here are just a few to review:

“This definitely raises the stakes for November,” says Cheryl Smith, a director at health consulting firm Leavitt Partners. “That would be the last opportunity to elect a Congress that could put this back in the hands of a state.”

Repeal isn’t exactly easy: There would be a lot of procedural hurdles to overcome for a President Romney who wasn’t working with a supermajority in the Senate, and had to use reconciliation .  Administratively though, there’s decent leeway to move slowly on implementing the Affordable Care Act, or devote fewer resources to making sure it works than an Obama administration may have.

(Source: Washington Post)

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