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Prayers Needed!! Tameka Foster Son in Near Fatal Accident in Georgia

We are very sad to report that the son of Tameka Raymond and stepson to singer Usher Raymond has been in a boating accident in Lake Lanier, Ga. 11 year old Kile Glover was accidentally struck by a jet ski while he and a another young lady were being pulled by a boat riding in a inner tube. Our sources learned that Tameka was out of the country at the time however singer Usher immediately chartered a flight for his ex-wife to be by her son’s side. There have been a series of accidents at Lake Lanier lately and police have stated that the cause of the accident is under investigation.

Hip Hop Enquirer has been covering the couple’s custody battle since it has started and hopefully the two can find a way to resolve their difference outside of a courtroom. Our prayers will be with their entire family in these trying times.

Follow us on twitter@hiphopenqmag for the latest developments on the condition of little Kile Glover.

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