Update!! No Gun Used in Rapper 40 Glocc Beat Down by the Game..Only Knuckles Used in Fight (full video inside)


    According to TMZ.com, rapper 40 Glocc is claiming that The Game held a gun on him while the rapper was being administered a beat down. However, we obtained detailed footage clearly showing that there was no weapon in the rapper’s hand as 40 Glocc previously stated.

    40 Glocc learned the hard way that being a cyber thug was not only a bad idea but he had to learn a lesson the hard way from Compton rapper. According to previous reports, The Game was upset about something that 40 Glocc said about him on the internet and unfortunately for him the two came face to face and the outcome was not a favorable one. While the Game could not be identified in the video as the one delivery the blistering punch, his voice is very recognizable. In addition, the Game tweeted his run in with Glocc via twitter:

    [kkytv id=”XElNTRNo2vo”]

    The moral of the story…don’t write a check with your mouth that your ass can’t cash!

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