The Saga Continues!! Tameka Foster-Raymond Speaks Out About Misconceptions Involving Her Custody Case with Usher Raymond (video inside)


    The former wife of singer Usher Raymond has finally decided to speak out about what has been going on with her custody case with the singer and this is the first time that she has felt the liberty to allow the public to know what is really going on in her case. Yesterday, Ms. Raymond released a written statement basically explaining how her custody case has started and how she intends on handling it. She explained that not only wasn’t she responsible for initiating the custody case but she is adamant on fighting to keep her children together and with her.

    On July 23rd, Usher’s attorneys filed a motion with Judge Bensonetta Lane of Fulton Superior court to have the scheduled August 13th hearing postponed because the singer believes that proceeding would be too much on the family (his and Tameka’s) and that he feels that any ruling this soon in the case would give him an unfavorable advantage when the court renders a decision. In our earlier reporting of the story, there was a point in the hearing where Usher requested that the media (HHE) be removed from the courtroom see video here but the request was only granted temporarily and since then we have been allowed continued access to cover the hearing. Here is Tameka’s full statement:

    To begin, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the countless number of people who opened their hearts, extended their prayers, well-wishes and remained hopeful for my son Kile during the last weeks of his life. I truly believe that he has always been an Angel from birth and the World was just too small to contain a spirit so vast. I’m thankful and blessed to merely be the vessel that carried him and humbled that God gave him to us to love. I also feel humbled by everyone’s show of concern, and knowing that Kile Glover touched the lives of so many has given me strength during my worst & darkest hour … Again I THANK YOU ALL!

    Sadly, I remain in the unfortunate position of having to respond to and attend court proceedings that were not initiated or begun by me. I did not file this custody case (January 2011) and was content with the ‘joint custody’ arrangement that we share.  Most importantly, nor do I wish to appear in court while I am mourning the loss of my son. But I do not want to delay thus prolong these proceedings either; I’d rather continue this arduous process hoping it will help move me through this most difficult period in my life.  People seem to be privy to only my filed responses as ‘Defendant’ to the initiation of this case (Jan 4, 2011), when I have only been defending myself and protecting the best interests of my children through my counsel. I cannot control how the media reports are written/slanted/spun or even how court documents may be manipulated in their attribution of certain statements as if they are direct “quotes” from me- yet I can control what I actually say myself.

    This may sound really cliché but you must NOT believe everything you read or hear and never judge… especially without solid facts and always, but always consider the source. Discernment is key. My boys are my entire world and I will fight tooth and nail to keep all of my sons together as a family, I pray for a swift, peaceful resolution so that we all can move forward.

    Again, thank you for your concern, positive energy and hope for my family during this surreal time. There have been times when just the right words, at the right time, have provided me shelter through this storm and I appreciate you all. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

    With Love & Light,

    Tameka Foster Raymond

    Update: Judge Lane has ruled against Usher Raymond’s court request for a delay in the custody case and the case will resume on August 13th and HHE will be in the courtroom to provide full coverage of the trial as it unfolds.

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    All video recording is provided by Dennis Byron via TMZ

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