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Former Vh1 “Love and Hip Hop: New York” Stars, Chrissy Lampkin & Emily Bustamante, Debut ‘Cisum Couture’

This week, former Vh1 “Love & Hip Hop” reality stars, Chrissy Lampkin and Emily Bustamante, launched their new men’s leather jacket line, ‘Cisum Couture.’ Chrissy and Emily supporters came out to celebrate the launch of their new line including Adrienne Bailon, Chrissy’s future husband Jim Jones & mother-in-law Mama Jones,DJ Clue and “frenemy” Somaya Reece.

While these two have confirmed that they won’t be returning to “Love & Hip Hop,” according to, the two aren’t leaving the reality scene. Cameras from Chrissy’s spinoff show were definitely in the building. The new reality show spinoff is set to air this October.

Check out pics from the private ‘Cisum Couture’ launch party:

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