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Trey Songz and Kendrick Lamar Perform live at the Heineken’s Red Star Access Concert…”pour up, Drank!” (Video Inside)

Yesterday in ATL, rapper Kendrick Lamar and R&B superstar Trey Songz made an EXCLUSIVE appearance at The Heineken Red Star Access private party/concert at Club Opera. The Heineken Red Star Access tour is an annual summer program that showcases music’s hottest and freshest experiences nationwide. There was nowhere else could you find free beer, models in tight-fitting Heineken dresses, a fully loaded game room and performances by Trey Songz, Kendrick Lamar and surprise guest, Waka Flaka.

The Heineken Red Star Access Atlanta

Trey Songz kept the ladies screaming with performances of “Dive In,” “2 Reasons” and “Heart Attack”– hot tracks from his newly released LP, “Chapter V.” The R&B superstar also took us back with old hits such as “Invented Sex,” “Neighbors Know My Name” and “Can’t Help But Wait.

Songz “turnt-up” the crowd when he brought rapper Waka Flaka on stage. Safe to say there wasn’t a dull moment with the help of free Heineken of course.

Kendrick Lamar hit the Opera stage in ATL with his latest single Swimming Pools [Drank] from his upcoming album good kid, m.A.A.d city that drops October 2nd. Video below…check it out!

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