Recap: Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Reunion Part 1 (Chock Full of Drama)


    Her face is mess, her clothes are messy…her ass is lopsided and messy” – K. Michelle

    You need to mind your business Karlie Redd. It’s time for me to give this bitch a reality check…you talk to much!” – Joseline

    Mona Scott Young, owner of Monami Entertainment and producer of Vh1’s Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, sits the LHHATL cast down for part 1 of the reunion. She doesn’t waste anytime and jumps right in on Karlie Redd and her habit of “setting off explosions.” Check out the clip.


    Staying focused on the unanswered drama of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, Mona then goes on to ask K. Michelle about her relationship with Rasheeda. Previously on Love & Hip Hop the married-rapper challenged the estranged-singer’s abuse accusations toward Memphitz. Rasheeda doesn’t believe K. Michelle’s ex-manager/boyfriend Memphitz, a now friend of Rasheeda, had anything to do with the dissatisfaction K. Michelle has with life. During Part 1 of the reunion things get pretty heated between the two. The result—security! Check out the clip!

    “In support of the ongoing effort to minimize the violence shown on the network, we agreed to edit the fight down to what you guys saw” says Mona allowing the cast to “set the record straight.” There was a lot of controversy surrounding what ACTUALLY happened during the Scrappy and Erica vs. Stevie and Joseline brawl. Stevie J says Scrappy never touched him and Scrappy begs to differ…Joseline claims she whooped Erica’s ass…but what actually happened…check it out!

    Mona keeps the drama of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta moving right along…“the most riveting drama was undoubtedly the love triangle between Stevie, Mimi and Joseline.” Stevie J confesses he does love Mimi but is currently working toward being in love with her again. Mimi, obviously embarrassed and exhausted with this “love triangle,” claims she expected neither marriage nor a family unit from Stevie however Stevie doesn’t believe her. Joseline confesses she only wants Stevie for his d**k and his money plus Stevie expresses his feelings toward Mimi’s right-hand Arianne. Check it out!

    “You was suppose to handle that off the rip,” a memorable line from Stevie J after he was confronted by Joseline with “no fairy god-mother” and a pregnancy test which he disgustingly kept in his pocket. Stevie admits to being a jerk about Joseline’s pregnancy and believing Joseline’s baby was indeed his. Joseline admits she would marry Stevie if he asked her. Check out the clip!

    Go behind the scenes with Joseline and Mona in bonus clips from Love & Hip Hop Atlanta. Mona and Joseline discuss her relationship with Stevie, her childhood and self. Plus, a face-to-face after show…Click here!

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us on Twitter @HipHopEnqMag

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