First Lady Michelle Obama Speaking at Democratic National Convention (video inside)


    Tonight First Lady Michelle Obama will address crowds at Time Warner Cable Arena on the opening night of the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

    Women delegates from all over the country expressed appreciation and respect for the First Lady, admiring her as a wife, mother, and for her role as First Lady in addressing key issues such as childhood obesity. “I think she has been perfect as First Lady,” said Maryland Delegate Jessy Mejia. “She couldn’t have been a more excellent role model for minority women.”

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    Dorothy Willard, a delegate from Washington, said that the First Lady’s role was very important to President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign. “I believe that Michelle Obama has a real integral part in the process of getting her husband elected to a second term,” she said. Willard also anticipated that the First Lady would discuss the importance of family in her speech tonight. “I believe that [she] is really going to bring home the fact that women really do play multiple roles within families.”

    Louisiana delegate Belinda Parker-Brown also believed that family was an important theme in tonight’s speech. “I know Michelle is really going to focus on family values and I’m excited about just hearing her point of view of what family really means,” she said. “She has been a terrific role model for the American family.”

    Delegates at the convention also believe the First Lady can speak to President Barack Obama’s successes in the past four years better than anyone else. “I’m looking forward to the first lady really touting our President’s accomplishments,” said Heather Steinmiller, a delegate from Pennsylvania. “He’s an amazing President, who ran at a very difficult time, and he is a great leader.”

    Steinmiller also spoke of her admiration for the First Lady herself. “I find her inspiring because she is very educated, a female lawyer, worked for a major law firm in Chicago, but she has also taken the role of First Lady and highlighted an important issue that is an epidemic in our country with childhood obesity. “

    What are you looking forward to most about the First Lady’s speech? Let us know by Tweeting@DemConvention using hashtag #DNC2012


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