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With A Mitt Romney Endorsement, Nicki Minaj Receives Death Threats

While some suggest that rapper Nicki Minaj was just having fun with her subliminal rap lyrics endorsing Mitt Romney, others on the other hand have taken it to another level. In a freestyle verse over Kanye West and G.O.O.D. Music’s “Mercy” instrumental featured on Lil Wayne’s ‘Dedication 4’ mixtape, the female-Weezy stated:

I’m a Republican voting for Mitt Romney 
You lazy bitches is fucking up the economy 
Out in Miami I be chilling with a zombie 
Diablo Alejandro de Mello Gandhi

Nicki Minaj isn’t the first rapper to endorse a republican candidate over Barack Obama. Pitbull, aka “Daddy Yankee,” endorsed John McCain in the 2008 election that resulted in Obama’s term in office. According to All Hip Hop, Nicki Minaj’s lyrical move, whether or not she was telling the truth, “has caused a seemingly endless flow of insults to the rapper.”

Nicki Minaj, we would like to dedicate this video to you…

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