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WTF? Man Stabs Another Over A Bag Of Cheetos…

49-year-old David L. Scott was charged this Wednesday with second-degree murder and armed criminal action after stabbing 42-year-old Roger Wilkes during a heated argument over a bag of Cheetos. Tuesday night near the Convention Center MetroLink station Wilkes was stabbed once in the chest with a knife. Wilkes was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was later announced dead. Initially the cops assumed that both men involved in the quarrel were homeless however after further research St. Louis addresses were found for both men.

According to St. Louis Today, “Police on bike patrol chased Scott and arrested him a few blocks away from where Wilkes was stabbed. Police say they also recovered a knife….Court documents filed with the murder charge list multiple previous convictions for Scott, including robbing a post office as well as counts of burglary and assault.”

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