Shocking! She Gave Him HIV and He Gave Her a Death Sentence (Photos Inside)


    Larry Dunn Jr. a 36 year old man from Texas is accused of murdering his girlfriend Cicely Bolden, 28, once she reveald she was HIV positive after the two had sex.

    A furious Larry Dunn went to the kitchen of his girlfriends home, grabbed a knife and proceeded to stab her to death.

    A neighbor by the name of Latoya Arnett said Bolden’s son and daughter ages 7 and 8, came home from school to their mother’s dead body.

    It was reported that the children came out the house crying saying “Somethings wrong with mama”

    Dallas Police say Dunn admitted to the crime stating “She killed me so I killed her”

    Dunn also went on telling detectives he buried his clothes and the knife in a dumpster at a Waffle House restaurant.

    The two children are now in custody with their father, Jeff Busby who stated Bolden contacted the HIV virus within the past two years.

    Dunn is currently being held on a $500,000 bond for a murder charge.

    Hip-Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us on twitter@hiphopenqmag


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