Ouch! Man Repeatedly Stabs Another Man In The Ass and We Have the Footage!!


    There is brutal surveillance video of  a man following another man inside a Queens, NY Bodega and he proceeds to to stab him repeatedy in the buttocks, and casually leaves the scene. His victim was a 48-year old man.

    This vicious crime took place on Sunday around 6p.m. The surveillance video was released by the NYPD Monday night. The attacker was captured on tape wearing a white t-Shirt and grey sweatpants.

    The victim was standing at the counter with a small child, as his attacker lunged the knife in his rear end about five times.

    According to the NYPD it isn’t confirmed on what possibly motivated the attack.

    This video is credited from the DailyNews.com

    Hip-Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us on twitter@hiphopenqmag

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