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Elderly Woman Stabbed To Death In Georgia By Her Own Son!

In Gwinnett County Ga, a Lawerenceville man is wanted for the killing of his own mother.

According to MyFoxAtlanta, police say 42-year old Mark Wilson stabbed his partially paralyzed 72-year old mother  Phyllis Wilson, inside their home on Tuesday.

Wilson faces charges of aggravated assult and felony murder.

It has been reported that Phyllis Wilsons husband and caretaker discovered her body around 2:30 a.m

While an investigation continued at the home, police noticed there was a missing vehicle.

According to police Mark Wilson suffers from schizophrenia and might be driving a 2006 champagne colored  Toyota Camry. Georgia License plate number ACE 4286.

Police are asking for anyone with information regarding his whereabouts are urged to call 770-513-5300.

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