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Rapper Arioose and B-Ball Player Mickael Pietrus Live A ‘Crouchin Tiger Hidden Dragon’ Reality (Photos and Videos)

Artist/Entrepreneur Arioose and NBA Boston Celtic basketball player Mickael Pietrus spend several weeks in a ‘Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon’ reality. The two of them visited the Shaolin Temple where they learned Kung Fu, more about the practice of Buddhism and martial arts.

According to Hip Hop Weekly, “The [Shaolin] Abbot who has made public appearances recently with former Russian President Vladimir Putin spent several days with Arioose discussing a vision of using music to reach English speaking youth and sharing the message of the Shaolin through a song.”

ABC News shot a short film that depicts the culture and environment of the Shaolin Temple. “They are the Jet eye knights of Buddhism…quiet, composed, focused.” 

“One word – inspirational. I can’t wait to return. I’m writing hip-hop in Chinese, songs to educate people about Chinese culture and working on a soundtrack for a Shaolin movie.” – @Arioose

VIDEO CLIP: Arioose “Supply & Demand” (Directed By Redd Pen Media)

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